The baptism of infants should be administered without delay and with appropriate catechsis for the parents and godparents. (Instruction Pastoralis Actio (1980))
Baptism is necessary for salvation and it is the gateway to the reception of the other sacraments. By baptism, original sin and one's personal sins are forgiven. By baptism one is incorporated in the Church, with rights and obligations, and is bonded more closely with other Christians.
It is the role of parents to provide the environment where a young discipline of Christ can grow. This is where the Church needs parents to fullfil their role as evangelizers and Christian models. This formation in the family will naturally lead to readiness for Eucharistic participation when the child is a little older, and for confirmation.
Please contact the Parish Office at least three months prior to a date being formalized. This early contact enables parents to be scheduled for the necessary sacramental formation sessions before the child’s Baptism. It also allows time for the proper paperwork to be completed and submitted to the parish office. Once the formation date is set, and proper permissions are received, then a Baptism may be scheduled.
All Baptisms will be celebrated during a Sunday Mass Liturgy or at 3:00 PM on the last Sunday of the month. Baptism preparation is required, please call the Parish Office for more information.
Comuníquese con la Oficina Parroquial al menos tres meses antes de que se formalice una fecha. Este contacto temprano permite a los padres ser programados para las sesiones de formación sacramental necesarias antes del bautismo del niño. También da tiempo para que el papeleo adecuado se complete y se envíe a la oficina parroquial. Una vez que se establece la fecha de formación y se reciben los permisos adecuados, se puede programar un bautismo.
Todos los bautismos se celebrarán durante una liturgia de misa dominical o directamente siguiendo el último horario de misa dominical el último domingo del mes. Se requiere preparación para el bautismo, por favor llame a la Oficina Parroquial para obtener más información.