Catholic faith formation is a form of evangelization. Evangelization is the fundamental mission of the Church. It describes all the ways the Church—including clergy, religious, and all the baptized faithful—teaches, celebrates, and witnesses to the gospel message with the aim of conforming hearts and minds to Jesus Christ. Evangelization includes an introduction to the gospel message through word and deed with a focus on receiving the gift of faith. Faith formation primarily focuses on deepening initial conversion to faith. It incorporates the catechetical, liturgical, and pastoral ministries. Because it is a form of evangelization, faith formation is a lifelong process.
This state certified pre-
To be enrolled as a three year old in the Fall semester, the student must be 3 by September 1st of that year. To be enrolled as a four year old in the Fall Semester, the student must be 4 by September 1st of that year. Class schedule is as follows:
3 year olds: Tuesday & Thursday: 9:00 A.M. -
4 year olds: Monday, Wednesday and Fridays 9:00 A.M. -
All of the teachers have received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Education with training in early childhood education.
All of the teachers and their aides have undergone extensive background checks and have been fingerprinted by the Maryland State Police.
Please click on the Preschool tab to learn more!
St. John Vianney's Children's Faith Formation program provides spiritual formation and instruction in the Catholic Faith. Like other pastoral activities, catechesis must be understood in relation to Jesus’ three-
By the definition offered by the U.S. Bishops, youth ministry is much more than just programs. It is about reaching out in relationship to the young people in the community, and giving them opportunities to use their gifts within the community. Youth ministry is goal driven, rather than program driven.
The vision of youth ministry defined by the bishops is much broader in scope than any previous model and may require a new way of thinking and ministering to you. “All ministry with youth must be directed toward presenting young people with the Good News of Jesus Christ, and inviting and challenging them to become his disciples.” (CMD – Celebrate Youth!)
In Renewing the Vision, the bishops identify three interdependent and equally important goals that are to guide a Catholic ministry for young people.
— EMPOWERMENT – to help young people live as disciples of Jesus Christ in our world today
— PARTICIPATION – to invite youth to responsible participation in the life, mission and work of the Catholic faith community
— GROWTH – to encourage the total personal and spiritual growth of each young person
OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults)
The Journey-
The program is to introduce to all who walk on the Journey a faith that is alive with the love of, and the love for, God. During the years the program has been in existence at St. John Vianney many people have entered the Catholic Christian faith by walking on the journey and taking an active leadership role within the parish.
The OCIA is a spiritual journey that is shared by the whole parish. Interested converts or candidates, or anyone interested in learning more about Catholic Faith, please see the Contacts Page.